
Lesson Plan – The Netherlands – Canada Connection

This can be used as either a follow-up activity for the Liberation Lesson, or as an independent lesson at both the grade 7/8 and high school levels.

If this is being completed without the Liberation Lesson, please refer to the lesson for the links to the background information to provide context.


To explore the bond between the Netherlands and Canada. To assess how that bond represents freedom and reflect on how to preserve that freedom.

Grade Level

This activity is designed for grade 9 or 10 Canadian History courses, as a part of the Second World War Unit. However, it can be modified to work with other courses or units. (e.g. intermediate or high school classes studying war/Holocaust fiction, civics/politics classes).

Three Canadian soldiers in the liberated Amersfoort.
1945 – Photo Credit: Fortgens, A.J.
Source: The Netherlands Institute for Military History (NIMH)


  • Students will discover the reasons behind the unique relationship that Canada and the Netherlands share.
  • Students will reflect on the meaning of freedom to different people in different places.

Activities and Timelines

  • Introduction and background – 15 to 30 minutes depending on class’ prior knowledge of liberation
  • Discussion – 10 to 15 minutes
  • Tulip colouring activity – 10 to 15 minutes


  • Background information – prior knowledge, teacher lesson or links provided
  • Video: Royal Family
  • Video: Tulip festival video
  • Tulip colouring template PDF 
  • Coloured paper, digital camera or location to display tulips (optional)
  • Digital camera or location to display completed tulips

The Canadian Tulip Festival at Commissioners Park – 1953
Source: Canadian Tulip Festival