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Our website uses Google Translate to make content accessible in multiple languages, but translations may not be perfect.

The Lesson – The Anne Frank Story

Website: Anne Frank House

The Anne Frank House is an independent organisation that manages the place where Anne Frank was in hiding during the Second World War, and where she wrote her diary. The organisation increases global awareness of her life story, encouraging people to reflect on the dangers of antisemitism, racism, and discrimination, and the importance of freedom, equal rights, and democracy.

Link: https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/

Digital lesson about Anne Frank

In this introductory lesson for tablet or digital blackboard, the students find out more about her story, the history of the persecution of the Jews, and the Second World War. As their teacher, you will gain an insight into their knowledge level and the questions they have.

Link: bit.ly/annefrankdl

Video: The short life of Anne Frank

Documentary from the Anne Frank House

In the documentary ‘The short life of Anne Frank’ the story of her life is told through quotations from her diary, unique photographs from the Frank family albums and historical film extracts.

Link: bit.ly/annefrankvideo