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Liberation garden

Our local veteran Greg McNeil of Dominion Nova Scotia was a member of the Highlanders and was a Com. Personel that was in Holland for the liberation Greg celebrated his 95th birthday Fri May 8th At Taigh Na Mara our local veterans home confined under Covid 19 Reg: we sent a group of cars past his window to show him we remember
my plan is to dedicate a garden of rememberance having Greg dedicate it with us if all goes well it was suppose to happen on Lib of Holland day but was not possible
I had not heard of the commemorative flower (tulip ) and would so love to have even a bulb to be part of the garden
our group of local cadets will be asked to maintain this garden over the years as the people of holland so do for our fallen comrades overseas
We will post pictures of the service as it will take place when we are permitted
God Bless all who are involved with these projects and for what these stand

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Liberation garden

Our local veteran Greg McNeil of Dominion Nova Scotia was a member of the Highlanders and was a Com. Personel that was in Holland for the liberation Greg celebrated his 95th birthday Fri May 8th At Taigh Na Mara our local veterans home confined under Covid 19 Reg: we sent a group of cars past his window to show him we remember
my plan is to dedicate a garden of rememberance having Greg dedicate it with us if all goes well it was suppose to happen on Lib of Holland day but was not possible
I had not heard of the commemorative flower (tulip ) and would so love to have even a bulb to be part of the garden
our group of local cadets will be asked to maintain this garden over the years as the people of holland so do for our fallen comrades overseas
We will post pictures of the service as it will take place when we are permitted
God Bless all who are involved with these projects and for what these stand

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