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Our website uses Google Translate to make content accessible in multiple languages, but translations may not be perfect.


Our families were from Liverpool and Widnes in the UK and we were so very fortunate not to lose any family members to either service or the blitz. But we are thankful both to those who did not return and to those who did return after witnessing such horror.
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Charles Archer served in WWII and married a Dutch War Bride
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My father was in the Royal Canadian Army Service Corp and participated in the liberation of Holland. Coincidentally, my father-in-law was in the British Army and was also deployed in Holland around the same time.
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I am planting for my Grandfather’s Lester Christensen and Robert Speirs. Robert was a mechanic stationed in England, who was part of the D Day invasion force. Robert was very tall and he spent much of D Day dragging smaller men from the water and onto the shore. He was injured in France but he...
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Will, my husband went through a rough spell this year. In August he was grounded from driving long distance because of a heart condition. On October 4, 2019 he went in for his first angiogram. A week later he went in for his second angiogram. The tulips will be a remember that he survived and...
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We are planting for Edna’s father, Ted Decker who served in WWII.
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My daughter passed away January 2018. She was not in the military, but she was brave and she was my hero😇
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Paul was a young man who enlisted in 1943, was shipped overseas in July 1944, and was killed liberating Belgium, in October 1944. He lived in the house we now occupy and we learned of his sacrifice while researching our houses history.
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Bill was part of the Calgary Highlanders. He came home and was able to make great kids.
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