
I am planting for my parents, Sidney and Selma Smith

My father, Sidney Smith, was with an anti-tank unit of the 1st Canadian Army . He fought in North Africa, Italy, France and on to the Liberation of the Netherlands. His regiment was stationed at Amersfoort when he met Selma Kater who had lived through the Hunger Winter in Doorn with her brother and sister. Sidney travelled by bicycle the 20 km. to Doorn whenever time allowed. They married on December 13th, 1945, five days before my fathers regiment was disbanded and repatriated to Canada. My mother arrived in Canada as a war bride in May 1946, joining my father in Upper Mills, Charlotte Co., New Brunswick. They sponsored Selma’ s sister and husband to come to Canada and later her brother and his family. My parents returned once to the Netherlands for a visit with my Dutch grandfather and my mother and her sister travelled to the Netherlands with the Canadian Legion to take part in the Liberation’s 50th Anniversary celebrations.

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Tulip Bulb Pick Up Location and Dates:

Dow's Lake Pavilion Roundabout
October 3 - 13
Weekdays, 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Weekends 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Tulip Bulb Shipping Update

If you selected shipping for your pre-order, tulip bulbs will be ship on September 23.

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If you haven't ordered your tulip bubs yet, there's still time. Act fast supplies are limited.

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